
Billie Hughes | Sapphire Starfleet



Name: Billie Hughes
Picture title: Sapphire Starfleet
Category: Micro
Occupation: Gemologist

Billie says:
‘Gemologists study different features of gems for a number of reasons: to identify them, distinguish between natural and synthetic gems, and to try and detect whether a gem has been treated and what its origin might be. One of the most important tools at our disposal is the microscope, as it allows us to view irregularities (known as inclusions).

When we examined this sapphire specimen, we spotted this “Starfleet” arrangement, which is actually a cluster of negative crystals (small cavities). Cavities like this can trap other substances, like the small black graphite plates seen here. These substances may have been ensconced in this sapphire for millions of years. Features like these are typical in sapphires, particularly those from Sri Lanka, where we believe this specimen originated.’

Technical information:
Canon EOS 6D with a Spot Imaging Solutions DE25TMT microscope adapter
Olympus SDF PLAPO 1.6 XPF lens
ISO 100
Technique: Darkfield and diffuse fibre optic illumination
Magnification:  30x
Accessories: Fibre optic illumination
Post processing: Focus stacking in Helicon Focus. Basic adjustments in Camera Raw and Photoshop.

Website: www.lotusgemology.com
Instagram: billie_hughes
Facebook: billie_hughes