Welcome to The Top 100 winners gallery of Close-up Photographer of the Year 5 (2023), supported by Affinity Photo 2. These pictures were selected by our jury from almost 12,000 pictures sent in from 67 countries.



Close-up Photographer of the Year 5
Overall winner & Animals winner


Csaba Daróczi | The Bird of the Forest



2nd place | Animals

Victor Tyakht | Dune Wrestling

3rd place | Animals

David Joseph | Natural Architecture



Finalists | Animals






René Krekels | Wood Ants Firing Acid Secretion



2nd place

Barry Webb | Mosquito Egg Raft

3rd place

Liang Fu | Circular Trenching Behavior by a Leaf Beetle


Finalists | Insects


Butterflies & Dragonflies



Csaba Daróczi | The Wedding Guest


2nd Place

Steve Russell | Letting Go

3rd Place

Wim Vooijs | Sunrise Beauty


Finalists | Butterflies & Dragonflies


Invertebrate Portrait



Tibor Molnar | Jumping Stick



2nd place

Manfred Auer | Orange Isopod

3rd place

Lior Berman | Dancing Sands, Violin Crab


Finalists | Invertebrate Portrait






Simon Theuma | Dreamtime



2nd place

Liang Fu | Heart of the Sea

3rd place

Chris Gug | Pinkaboo



Finalists | Underwater


Intimate Landscape



Csaba Daróczi | Undertow


2nd place

Piet Haaksma | Ice Fossiel

3rd place

Jack Krohn | The Sorcerors Apprentice



Finalists | Intimate Landscape





Ria Bloemendaal | Reflexion


2nd Place

Wim Vooijs | Tears in my Eyes

3rd Place

Beth DeBor | Golden Agave


Finalists | Plants


Fungi & Slime Moulds




Barry Webb | The Ice Crown



2nd place

Jay Birmingham | Autumn Emergence

3rd place

Sophia Spurgin | Fungi and Fairy Dust



Finalists | Fungi & Slime Moulds



Human Made



Elizabeth Kazda | Asymmetrical Threads



2nd place

Paul Gravett | Colour Study 51

3rd place

Jack Margerison | Ferro Field



Finalists | Human Made






Gerhard Vlcek | Beach Grass



2nd place

Håkan Kvarnström | Amoeba

3rd place

Harald Cederlund | Twisted Dandelion



Finalists | Micro



(Under 18s)


Young Close-up Photographer of the Year 5

Carlos Pérez Naval | Small Wanders
(17 years old)



2nd place

Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas | Comatricha Nigra
(16 years old)

3rd place

Alexis Tinker-Tsavalas | Dicyrtomina Ornata
(16 years old)



Finalists | Young