Intimate Landscape

Sergio Tapia | Foam



Name: Sergio Tapia
Picture title: Foam
Category: Intimate Landscape
Occupation: Aeronautical Chemist

Sergio says:
‘Río Tinto is one of the oldest areas with mining and metallurgic activity in the world. The most striking feature in this zone is the redness of the water, which is due to the high amount of heavy metals circulating in it, such as iron, copper, cadmium and manganese. All this, together with a very acid pH and lack of oxygen, make it a unique place.

After a morning of heavy rain over a small reservoir, big blocks of foam build-up. Due to the movement of the river and the wind, this foam begins to shift and travel, creating all kinds of forms and textures.’

Technical information:
Nikon D850
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8
ISO 125
Accessories: Polariser
Post processing: Basic adjustments in Photoshop.

Instagram: sergiotapia.t