Plants & Fungi

Cathryn Baldock | Dandelions and Buttercups



Name: Cathryn Baldock
Picture title: Dandelions and Buttercups
Category: Plants & Fungi
Occupation: Administrator for head gardener

Cathryn says:
‘A profusion of dandelion seed heads and buttercups in the grassland at Hengistbury Head, Dorset, saw me lying on the ground to capture the scene. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but it allowed an angle that emphasised the number of plants, even if it got me some strange looks. Using multiple exposures also emphasised the profusion. A shallow depth of field pushed the buttercups out of focus allowing them to become a highlight of colourful spots in the background.’

Technical information
Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro
ISO 100
Accessories: None
Post processing: Basic adjustments in Lightroom; Photoshop to duplicate the layer and increase the number of dandelion seed heads in the foreground. The image was then processed using Nik software to give the final colouring.

Further information:
Instagram: cathrynbaldock
Twitter: catkin314
Flickr: Cathryn Baldock