3rd Place

Chien Lee | The Signal



Name: Chien Lee
Picture title: The Signal
Category: Insects
Occupation: Photographer / Guide

Chien says:
‘Bioluminescence is abundant in the Bornean rainforest at night, a feature that becomes evident as soon as you turn off your headlamp, but few organisms emit a light as strong as Lamprigera beetles. Close relatives of fireflies, Lamprigera differ in that the females are wingless and produce a bright and steady greenish light from the tip of their abdomen. During a night walk in the mountains of southern Sarawak, I found this large specimen crawling through low vegetation, presumably on the hunt for snails, their preferred prey. To capture the bright continuous trail of light from its abdomen, I used a long exposure as it made its way along a stick, coupled with a single rear-sync flash.’

Technical information:
Nikon D810
Nikon 60mm f/2.8 micro
ISO 250
26 seconds
Accessories: Tripod, off-camera flash with softbox, cable release
Post processing: Basic adjustments in Lightroom

Instagram: chienleephotography
Facebook: chienleephotography
Flickr: cclborneo